photo of Victor Ryaben

Sample abstracts
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International Conference

Difference schemes and applications

in Honor of the 90-th Birthday of Prof. V.S. Ryaben'kii

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, May 27-31, 2013

KIAM symbol

The work of Victor S. Ryaben'kii has had a profound impact on the formation and development of numerical methods as a mathematical discipline. Please join us in celebrating his ninetieth birthday by an international conference on finite difference schemes and their applications at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (KIAM), Russian Academy of Sciences, in Moscow, Russia.

The conference will provide a forum for discussing the recent progress in numerical solution of partial differential equations, and for reviewing the promising new trends in this and related areas. It will consist of 40-minute presentations in computational and applied mathematics. The subjects will include

  • Numerical analysis of PDEs and scientific computation;
  • Differential and difference equations;
  • Difference potentials, artificial boundary conditions;
  • Inverse problems, mathematical theory of active noise control;
  • Mathematical modeling in science and engineering.

To participate in the conference, please fill out the application form on the conference website, or send it by e-mail to, or by plain mail to: KIAM RAS, Organizing Committee of the International Conference "Difference schemes and applications," 4 Miusskaya Square, Moscow 125047, Russia. The deadline for registration and sending the abstract is March 1, 2013. The abstracts should not exceed two pages in Word or PDF, and should follow the format available on the conference website.

+7 499 250-79-42 Marina Gavreeva
+7 499 250-79-17 Lubov Mikhailova, Natalia Chmykhova
Facsimile: +7 499 251-88-69

Publications of Victor Ryaben'kii on the KIAM site and in the RAS library.