Research group

  • Current members of the group:
    - Dr. Mikhail Gilman (Research Associate Professor)
    - Patrick Haughey (PhD Candidate)
    - Hayden Outlaw (PhD Candidate)
    - Paul Spears (PhD Candidate)

  • Some alumni of the group:
    - Dr. Steven Britt (PhD, 2015), currently at Mercer Engineering Research Center, Warner Robins, GA
    - Vamshi Chidara (MSc, 2022), currently at, Inc.
    - Sam Magura (MSc, 2017), currently Satff Software Engineer at Spot, Raleigh, NC
    - Dr. Christopher Leonard (PhD 2022), currently Machine Learning Engineer at Vadum, Inc., Raleigh, NC
    - Dr. Michael Medvinsky (PhD, 2013; Research Assistant Professor, 2016 - 2021), currently Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, NCSU
    - Dr. Evan North (PhD 2022), Sr. Associate Analytics Software Tester at SAS Institute, Cary, NC
    - Dr. Mikhail Osintcev (Research Assistant Professor, 2015 - 2017), currently at Kolibri Games
    - Dr. Sergey Petropavlovsky (Research Assistant Professor, 2013 - 2024), currently Associate Professor at Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
    - Dr. Heydar Qasimov (PhD, 2008), currently at Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    - Ragene Sah (MSc, 2022), currently at American Express Company
    - Dr. Erick Smith (PhD, 2013), currently Research Mathematician at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
    - Dr. Fouche Smith (PhD 2022), currently Research Geophysicist at CGG, Houston, TX

  • Collaborators and collaborations (current and former):
    - Prof. Saul Abarbanel (deceased), Tel Aviv University
    - Albanese Defense and Energy Development Company (ADED, LLC)
    - Dr. Guy Baruch, currently at Seor Technologies, Israel
    - Prof. Alina Chertock NC State University
    - Computational Sciences, LLC (also see here)
    - Prof. Yekaterina Epshteyn, University of Utah
    - Prof. Gadi Fibich, Tel Aviv University
    - Prof. Anne Gelb, Dartmouth College
    - Prof. Dan Gordon, University of Haifa
    - Prof. Rachel Gordon, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
    - Prof. William Henshaw, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    - Prof. Edward Kansa, University of California, Davis
    - Prof. Victor Ryaben'kii (deceased), Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
    - Prof. Radmila Sazdanovic, NC State University
    - Prof. Kaushik Sengupta, Princeton University
    - Prof. Uri Shumlak, University of Washington
    - Dr. Ivan Sofronov, Schlumberger
    - Prof. Eli Turkel, Tel Aviv University
    - Ultra Quantum, Inc.
    - Prof. Sergey Utyuzhnikov, University of Manchester

  • Our research is supported by the following agencies:
    - US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
    - US Army Research Office (ARO)
    - United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)

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